My friend, John Lopez, who knows a lot about food and drink made me one of these Margaritas at market last year in his showroom. Seriously, it was the best Margarita I have ever had and it is so simple to make. I am going to pretty much post his email to me about these Margaritas.
Before I post his email, you must know that these are "adult" Margaritas. While they go down very easy they are very potent!
Here is his email:
"The original Margarita recipe was 1 part citrus (lime) juice, 1 part orange liqueur, and three parts Tequila. I reduced the tequila to two parts to reduce liability about 15 years ago. At two parts tequila, there is plenty of tequila flavor to stand up to the sweet and sour flavors. Most good bars, if they even make "real" margaritas will use 1 to 1 to 1+, but this gives wrong flavor profile, throwing off the balance of sweet, sour, & tequila. You want to taste all three flavor components.
Important to use good quality tequila, i.e., Herradura (my personal favorite and the first weber blue agave tequila imported to USA, by Bing Crosby, no less), Patron, etc., but always use Silver Tequila, as rested or aged tequilas only confuse the classic margarita flavor. Also use Cointreau (very good but expensive) or natural Triple Sec such as De Kuyper. Avoid artificial flavored Triple Sec and Grand Marnier (too rich with Brandy & wastes $$)
We always use lemons for the juice in the cocktail and a lime to rim cocktail glass for Kosher salt, but try to only moisten the outside of the rim as you want the salty taste on your tongue but not in the cocktail. We only use lemons because lemons always taste like lemons. Limes vary in their taste.
These drinks are an acquired taste if you are used to normal bar style margaritas made with sweet & sour which tends to bury the tequila flavor.
If you prefer serving "Up", shake at least 30 times in shaker with fresh, dry, not melting, chunks of ice. Strain into Martini glass, avoiding the cliched Margarita tourist glass, salt rimmed , if you like. If you like on the rocks, prepare the same way in a shaker, but strain into small, (6 ounce seems to be perfect) tumbler or juice glass, salted as above. This keeps intake down & helps prevent over-indulging.
So the simple answer, if there is one, to your question is 1 part juice to 1 part orange liqueur to 2 parts tequila.
Hope this is enough info. If not, advise & I will opine.
Warmest regards from your trusty, amateur barkeep,